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Northern Territory - Legislation

Welfare Ordinance 1961 (1962 - 1964)

Amending Act

The Welfare Ordinance 1961 (Act No. 12/1962) amended the Welfare Ordinance 1953. It was passed on 3 March 1962 and commenced on 3 May 1962.


The Welfare Ordinance 1961 continued to allow for the separation of children from their parents, however it placed restrictions on the means with which this was done. For the separation of children under the age of 14, a court would grant permission based on its satisfaction with the care the child would receive upon removal. This Ordinance was repealed by the Social Welfare Ordinance in 1964.


Online Resources

Sources used to compile this entry: 'Northern Territory: Legislation', in To remove and protect: laws that changed Aboriginal lives, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2008,; Law Research Service, Melbourne Law School, Law Library, The University of Melbourne. 'Find and Connect Project - Northern Territory Legislation', 1 February 2013, held in the project files at the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre.

Prepared by: Anna Trengove and Christine Moje