March 2011 updates

Posted on 8 April 2011 by

Many institutions sent children to ‘holiday hosts’ for weekends or short stays during school holiday periods. Among the scores of entries in Pathways that have been added or have changed as new information has come to light this month, there is a new entry for holiday hosts, that includes an article published in 1964 by the Mission of St James and St John (‘Our children and their holiday hosts’). Here is an excerpt from that article:

We consider the holiday host a very important person, and we appreciate those people who, knowing all the difficulties and pitfalls, are prepared to re-arrange their family routines, and sometimes make considerable sacrifices, to volunteer for this work. There are many families working with us for the benefit of the children, who have found deep joy and satisfaction caring for them.

See the full list of What’s New in Pathways? March 2011..

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