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Tasmania - Legislation

Marriage Amendment Act 1859 (1859 - 1896)

Principal Act

The Marriage Amendment Act 1859 also known by its full title "An Act to amend the Laws relating to Marriage" (Act no.23 Vict. No.11) set out regulations on marriage. This included the age of persons to be married, where they could be married and by who. The act also lays out the requirement for permission if someone under the age of 21 is to be married. This legislation was repealed by the Marriage Act 1895 (Act no.59 Vict. No.23).


 1859 - 1896 Marriage Amendment Act 1859
       1896 - 1943 Marriage Act 1895

Sources used to compile this entry: Law Research Service, Melbourne Law School, Law Library, The University of Melbourne. 'Find and Connect Project - Tasmanian Legislation', 20 January 2014, held in the project files at the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre.

Prepared by: Elizabeth Daniels