Your Questions Answered

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Find & Connect for?

The Find & Connect website was developed to help people who were in care between 1920 and 1990 and live in Australia to understand more about their past and about the historical context of child welfare in Australia. We assist people who spent time in an orphanage or children’s home in Australia and their families.

How do I find the home(s) I spent time in as a child on Find & Connect?

A family member was in care, can I access their records?

Can I get paper copies of the information I need?

I live interstate from the home I was in. Which Find & Connect Support Service do I contact?

I want to reconnect with others from the children’s home.

Can you send me records?

Can I search for my or my friends names or photographs?

I’m researching my family history, can you help me?

There is information on the site that is incorrect, incomplete or missing

Can you help me with general hospital records or information about time of birth etc?