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Victoria - Legislation

The Juvenile Offenders' Act 1887 (1888 - 1890)

  • The Juvenile Offenders Act 1887

    The Juvenile Offenders Act 1887

Principal Act

The Juvenile Offenders' Act (No.951) transferred responsibility for convicted juveniles from the Department of Industrial and Reformatory Schools to a Department for Reformatory Schools. This Act allowed for the establishment of Probationary Schools, described by the Department's Secretary as 'intermediate between the reformatory and the foster-home'. The Secretary of the Department was required to present an Annual Report to Parliament under the new legislation.


The long title of the Act is 'An Act to amend the Law relating to Juvenile Offenders and for other purposes'. It was assented to on 17 December 1887 and commenced on 1 January 1888. This Act was repealed and replaced by sections 314 to 369 of the Crimes Act 1890 ( No. 1079.)
This Act was amended by Act No. 216, No. 495, No. 626 and No. 693.


 1864 - 1888 The Neglected and Criminal Children's Act 1864
       1888 - 1890 The Juvenile Offenders' Act 1887
             1890 - 1915 Crimes Act 1890
                   1915 - 1958 Crimes Act 1915

Related Glossary Terms

  • Juvenile Offending
  • Reformatory (1864 - c. 1954)

    The Juvenile Offenders' Act 1887 established the Department of Reformatory Schools to oversee administration of reformatories in Victoria. The Act also brought the first 'private' reformatories into being.

Related Legislation

  • The Neglected Children's Act 1887 (1888 - 1890)

    The Juvenile Offenders Act 1887 dealt with 'criminal children' as a separate group to neglected children, who were legislated for in the Neglected Children's Act 1887. This split marks a policy shift in Victoria since the Neglected and Criminal Children's Act of 1864.

Related Organisations


Online Resources


The Juvenile Offenders Act 1887
The Juvenile Offenders Act 1887


Sources used to compile this entry: Law Research Service, Melbourne Law School, Law Library, The University of Melbourne. 'Find and Connect Project - Victoria Legislation', 13 December 2013, held in the project files at the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre.

Prepared by: Cate O'Neill