Find & Connect Support Services will be taking a short break over Christmas, check here for their opening times & who to contact if you need some help.
Reblog: One child’s experience of a Christmas at “home”
WATCH: How once homeless Gregory Smith found the meaning of true contentment | Australian Story
Records about State Wards in Victoria from 1864-1923) have been made available online
We’re almost at the end! We’ve made some changes based on feedback from site users, and can’t wait to see what you think.
From the Guardian “When the United Aborigines Mission wound up in 2020, boxes of records disappeared – leaving stolen generations survivors with agonising questions”
Snapshots of life in children’s homes showcases photographs recently added to
Snapshots of life in children’s homes showcases photographs recently added to
The first changes to the site based on Usability Testing feedback have been made!
We’ve added more info about NSW records and institutions after completing the first stage of our content review.