The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition, understanding and reparation for people who were sent as child migrants from their countries of birth. The IAFCM&F has presented submissions to various Inquiries into child migration. The International Association of Former Child Migrants and Their Families (IAFCM&F) advocates for recognition,…
CREATE Foundation (formerly known as the Australian Association of Young People in Care AAYPIC) was established in 1993 to provide an independent voice for children and young people in out-of-home care. CREATE seeks to connect and empower Australian children and young people in care and, change the care system through activities, programs, training, research and…
The Child Saving Council was established in Victoria in 1910, when a group of ‘child savers’ came together in 1910. The Council’s aims included promoting the work of child welfare organisations and discussion among these organisations. In 1912, the Council became the Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria.
Families Australia was established in 2001, and is Australia’s peak body dedicated to promoting the needs and interests of families. Families Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which is not aligned to any political party or religious group. Families Australia provides secretariat and support services to the Alliance for Forgotten Australians.
Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN), founded in 2000 in Sydney, is a support and advocacy group for people brought up in care away from their family as state wards or children raised in Children’s Homes, orphanages or other institutions, or in foster care. CLAN is also for anyone who has a close family member who…
The Children’s Welfare Association of Victoria (CWAV) was a peak body set up in 1912. In 2003, it became the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.
Galilee Inc. was established in the suburb of Pearce in around 1987. Its services included alternative education and living skills development programs, support, advocacy and assistance for young people dealing with homelessness. Galilee Inc. administered a foster care program for children and young people up to age 18. In 2011, Galilee Inc. merged with community…
Deaf Children Australia is a national organisation advocating and providing services and resources for deaf children and their families in Australia. It was formed as a national body in 2004, but had previously operated as the management body for the Victorian College for the Deaf. Deaf Children Australia hold a collection of records and heritage…
HPA Disability Services was the new name given to the Handicapped Persons’ Association in the 1990s. In June 1999, with the support of the Northern Territory Government, HPA purchased a small block of units which enabled Darwin Accommodation Services to provide more accommodation for people with disabilities. The HPA provided supported employment and training as…
The Handicapped Persons’ Association (HPA) of the Northern Territory was the new name given to the Mentally Retarded Persons’ Association when it expanded its services to all people with disabilities in 1974. The Association opened the Handicapped Persons’ Association Group Home in 1985 and established the Darwin Accommodation Service in 1991. The HPA provided supported…