Carinity: Baptist Community Services is the new name of the organisation formerly known as Queensland Baptist Care. The new name was launched in May 2013. The name Carinity comes from the words ‘care’ and ‘affinity’. Carinity provides care and services for people in need.
The Department of Christian Citizenship was an agency of the Methodist Church and replaced the Department of Social Services in 1965. It auspiced Westwood, a residential education centre at Bowral, and ran Iandra Methodist Rural Centre, St Andrews at Leppington and the Heighway House Project. When the Uniting Church formed in 1977 the Department of…
The Catholic Family Welfare Bureau – Archdiocese of Melbourne was previously known as the Catholic Social Service Bureau. It was a Catholic social work organisation that administered applications for children to be admitted to Catholic children’s Homes in Victoria. It also counselled single mothers and arranged foster care placements and adoptions. The Catholic Family Welfare…
UnitingCare Victoria and Tasmania was launched in 2000 as a network of community services within the Uniting Church in Australia. UnitingCare Victoria and Tasmania comprises of Agencies and Missions within the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania which are located across Victoria and Tasmania. In 2017, a new organisation was formed called Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania)…
CatholicCare Tasmania was formerly known as Centacare Tasmania. The name change was adopted on 1 July 2015 in order to more clearly identify the organisation with the Catholic Church. CatholicCare Tasmania continued Centacare Tasmania’s work as the primary social services agency of the Catholic Church in Tasmania. In 2022 CatholicCare Tasmania provided Therapeutic Residential Care…
The Methodist Overseas Mission, a department of the Methodist Church of Australia, was established around 1930. Previously it was known as the Methodist Missionary Society of Australasia. It established missions and Homes in the Northern Territory and Western Australia during the early and mid twentieth century. The Methodist Overseas Mission became part of the Uniting…
Centrecare has been the the Catholic social services agency of the Archdiocese of Perth since 1977. Various programs have, and do, run under its umbrella. Centrecare has been involved in out of home ‘care’ but the organisation did not have a role in child migration, nor does it hold records relating to child migration. Centrecare…
The Council Presbyterian Children’s Homes was the name given to the committee that ran two Homes on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Western Australia: Burnbrae (1938-1957) at Byford, and Benmore (1947-1963) at Middle Swan (Caversham).
St John of God Health Care was established in 1989. It runs the St John of God hospitals and health services in Australia.
The Geraldton Protestant Children’s Home Inc was incorporated in Western Australia on 26 May 1921. It ran a number of hostels for children going to high school in Geraldton including the Protestant Children’s Home.