The Department of Human Services was created in 2018 when the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion was renamed. The Department of Human Services has responsibilities for youth justice, disability services and child safety.
The Corporate Integrity Information and Resolutions unit (CIIRu) was responsible for Freedom of Information requests and complaints management for both the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Department of Health (DH). In 2013 the Department of Human Services created a new Freedom of Information Unit with responsibility for the release of wardship (state ward)…
The Government Welfare Training Council was established in 1963, in Lisson Grove, Hawthorn. It provided what was for many people the first formal staff training in child care. Previously, the only training offered for child care workers was a course run by the Victorian Council of Social Service. The training centre was established in response…
The Department of Mental Hygiene was established in 1934 following the proclamation of the Mental Hygiene Act (No.4157). The Department was responsible for the development and direction of policy governing the treatment of the ‘mentally ill, the intellectually handicapped and inebriates’ and for the establishment and administration of institutions for their care for the period…
The Central Board for the Protection of Aborigines was established in 1869, under the provisions of the Aborigines Protection Act 1869. Previously, the Central Board Appointed to Watch Over the Interests of Aborigines had been operating in Victoria since 1860. The Board, which ran missions and reserve stations in Victoria, had significant statutory power over…
The Office of the Child Safety Commissioner was established in December 2004 to monitor the out of home care system in Victoria. (The Office was formally created in April 2005, and the first Child Safety Commissioner was appointed in May 2005). The legislative functions and powers of the Child Safety Commissioner are set out in…
The Department for Reformatory Schools of the new State Government of Victoria, established with federation in 1901, was responsible for convicted juveniles. The Children’s Welfare Act 1954 (No.5817) provided for the abolition of the Department for Reformatory Schools. Thereafter, responsibility for juvenile offenders and reformatory schools (from 1954 known as juvenile schools) was assumed by…
Community Services Victoria (CSV) came into being in 1985. Formerly, it was known as the Department of Community Welfare Services. A number of functions were transferred from the Department of Health to the new CSV in 1985, including intellectual disability services, maternal and child health, kindergartens and child care.
Health and Community Services, State Government of Victoria, came into being in 1992. Formerly, it was known as the Community Services Victoria.
The main responsibility of the Department for Neglected Children upon its establishment was the maintenance and management of ‘neglected’ children including: supervision of State wards in receiving houses and probationary schools, provision of trade apprenticeships programs, ‘boarding out’ of children in the service of persons willing to take charge of their maintenance and education, provision…