
Camp Pell

Camp Pell was an army camp within Royal Park in the suburb of Parkville which, in 1946 became home for around 3,000 people experiencing the post-war housing shortage in Victoria. Many of these families needed temporary accommodation, having been directly affected by ‘slum reclamation’ policies. Other emergency camps were established at Fawkner Park, Watsonia, South…

Finke River Mission

The Finke River Mission was an alternative name for the Hermannsburg Mission on the Finke River from 1877. After the establishment of government settlements at Haasts Bluff, Areyonga and later, Papunya, the term Finke River Mission was often used to refer to all these stations collectively. In 2014, the Lutheran Church of Australia retrospectively used…


Roelands is the name given to the Seven Hills farm property in Western Australia. Its history in out of home care began in 1932 when the Chandler Boys’ Farm (1932-1937) was established there. The property was later used for the Roelands Native Mission Farm (1938-1975) and Roelands Village (1975-1984). In 2014, Roelands remains as a…

Cape Barren Island Reserve

Cape Barren Island Reserve was created in 1881 for the use of the descendants of Aboriginal women and European sealers living in the Furneaux Islands of Bass Strait. From the late 1920s, many Aboriginal children were removed from their parents on Cape Barren Island. It ceased to be a reserve in 1951. Following the death…

First Exhibition Building, Adelaide

The first Exhibition Building in Adelaide was situated on the Police Paddock below the Royal Adelaide Hospital and adjoining the Botanic Gardens. The building was completed in time for the South Australian Agricultural and Horticultural Show which commenced on 29 February 1860. Previously, exhibitions and shows were held in temporary facilities in Botanic Park. The…

Mittagong Cottage Homes Area

The Mittagong Cottage Homes Area is the site of various NSW Government institutions, including the former Mittagong Cottage Homes, Mittagong Farm Home, Mittagong Training Home and Renwick Child Welfare Homes. It was used continuously as a government child welfare institution, on the cottage system, from 1896 until 1994. The area is on Bong Bong Road,…

Ormond House

Ormond House, more commonly known as Juniper Hall, is a historic mansion on the corner of Ormond Street and Oxford Street in Paddington that was built in 1824. It has a long history as an institution for children. It served as the first Asylum for Destitute Children run by the Society for the Relief of…

Parramatta Female Factory Precinct

The Parramatta Female Factory Precinct is an area of approximately 27 hectares of New South Wales Government land that contains 72 buildings that housed female convicts and destitute children continuously from 1821 until the 1990s. It is the site of the 1821 Female Factory (Cumberland Hospital) and the 1844 Roman Catholic Orphan School, which from…

Peat Island

Peat Island, in the Hawkesbury River near Brooklyn and Mooney Mooney, is an island situated to the north of Sydney. It officially became known as Peat Island in 1934, and was previously called Rabbit Island. The island was selected by the New South Wales government as the site for an asylum for inebriates in the…

Yarra Bay House

Yarra Bay House, at Phillip Bay, was the site of a number of government-run children’s Homes from around 1917 to the mid 1980s. It was built in 1903, originally as part of the Cable Station at La Perouse. The first children’s institution at Yarra Bay House was established by the State Children’s Relief Department around…