Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (ATSIS) is part of the Office for Children Youth and Family Support within the Community Services Directorate. The ATSIS unit was established in 2005. It administers a range of program initiatives and also provides advice on policy and procedural issues across the Office for Children Youth and Family Support and the Community Services Directorate on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the ACT.
ATSIS offers a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-specific programs including accommodation, kinship and foster care services. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services staff undertake joint visits with Care and Protection workers as part of a review process after an initial assessment and support visits to children and carers in Kinship placements.
The ACT is the only jurisdiction in Australia with an elected Indigenous representative body which is involved in the full spectrum of program delivery, from advice to Government on the early design of services, through to a review of their effectiveness through an estimates process.