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Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives


The Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives holds records created by the successive bishops and archbishops of Adelaide and their associated parishes, diocesan offices and agencies. The Archives holds administrative, historical and photographic records related to Homes run by the Catholic Church. It also holds all issues of The Southern Cross newspaper, 1889 to present. No personal records are held by the Archives. All personal records of former residents of Catholic Homes are held by the Professional Standards Records Service of the Catholic Church.

Access Conditions

The Adelaide Catholic Archdiocesan Archives is open to the public from 9.30 to 4.30 Monday to Friday, but access to the Archives is by appointment only. Students and researchers may be allowed access to the Archives after applying in writing to the Archivist, requesting permission to view documents. They must state clearly the nature and purpose of their research. Applications can be made on the form, ‘Application for Access to the Archives’ which is available on the website under the heading, ‘Policies and Forms’.

Fees are charged for assisted research and photocopying. Please note, however, the Archives does not charge any fees to former residents of Catholic Homes seeking their records.

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