• Archival Series

Alphabetical Admission Register, Boys' Training School

To access these records

Please contact Research Enquiries, Tasmanian Archives:

Postal address: 91 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000

Phone: (03) 6165 5538 or (03) 6165 5541

Website: https://libraries.tas.gov.au/get-help/help-with-research-and-finding-information/

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: Tasmanian Archives Series Number, AA682

Records Location

These records are held by Tasmanian Archives (2011 - current).


The Alphabetical Admission Register was created at the Boys’ Training School between 1912 and 1922. It includes each boy’s name, age, home district, birthplace, offence, and other remarks.

Access Conditions

These records are open and accessible by the public. For access to these records please contact Tasmanian Archives.

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