• Legislation

Lunacy Act 1847, South Australia


The Lunacy Act (No 2 of 10 and 11 Vic, 1847) was passed and commenced on 20 February 1847. Its full title was: ‘Ordinance Enacted by the Governor of South Australia, with the Advice and Consent of the Legislative Council thereof. Further to provide for the Care and Maintenance of Persons of Unsound Mind’. This legislation provided for the regulation of Public Colonial Lunatic Asylums, and for the accommodation of ‘insane persons’, including ‘pauper or destitute lunatics’, in these institutions. It stated that the Maintenance Act 1843 extended to persons in Asylums, so that relatives of the ‘insane person’ were liable for their maintenance. It was repealed by the Lunatics Act 1864 on 9 December 1864.

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