• Archival Series

Orana Images Collection

To access these records

Please contact Christopher Wade, Manager Uniting Heritage Service:

Postal address: Locked Bag 8, A’Beckett Street PO, Melbourne VIC 8006

Phone: 0402 969 621

Email: christopher.wade@vt.uniting.org

Website: https://www.unitingvictas.org.au/services/family-services/heritage-service/

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: Orana Images Collection Reference Number, Series 34/P1

Records Location

These records are part of Orana UnitingCare Records (1888 - 2011).


Orana Images Collection is an extensive collection of records, comprising the photographic collection of the Methodist Homes for Children and its successor agencies Orana – the Peace Memorial Homes for Children, the Methodist Department of Child Care, Orana Family Services and UnitingCare Orana.

Access Conditions

The Heritage Coordinator, Uniting Heritage Service welcomes requests from care leavers who may want to access the collection. Please note that some photos in the collection may be personal and subject to standard privacy protection. For further information or to access the collection contact the Heritage Manager, Uniting Heritage Service.


In 2013, Orana UnitingCare (now part of Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited) was the recipient of a Records Access Documentation Grant to catalogue photos in this collection.

The photographic collection consists of black and white photos, colour photos, slides and negatives from Livingstone House, the Methodist Homes for Children, Orana, the Peace Memorial Homes for Children, Orana Family Services and UnitingCare Orana. The content date range of the collection is 1888-c.2010 – the earliest photos being reproductions of photos from Annual Reports (1888-2012). There are approximately 20,000 items in the photographic collection and the collection has largely been imaged, described, housed and stored to archival standard.

The photographic collection is in very good condition for its age and is fully accessible as all images, along with relevant information (metadata) have been stored in the fully searchable electronic photographic library, Adobe Lightroom 4. A broad subject based index (paper), developed in 1988, was discovered with the photographic collection during the cataloguing process and has been used to assist in developing a batching and subject naming protocol for photographs that clearly relate to the 1988 index.

Photos in the collection that may be of particular interest to Care Leavers include the following subjects: Methodist Homes for Children, including Cato cottage and farm; Orana, the Peace Memorial Homes for Children and the associated cottages by cottage name; Coolaroo; Gwenalan; Meadow Heights; Chapel; TC Rentoul Hall; children, by name; children’s activities, by activity; Orana Fair; Orana Birthday and buildings and grounds.

  • From


  • To

    c. 2010

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