Please contact Museums of History New South Wales:
Postal Address: PO Box 516, Kingswood NSW 2747
Phone: (02) 9673 1788
Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, 13362
These records are held by Museums of History NSW (June 1961 - current).
The Registers of Inmates record details of children admitted into the asylums managed by the Society for the Relief of Destitute Children. The information in the registers varies. The earlier entries, from the 19th century, record: name and age of child; date of admission; religion of parents; reason for admission; and discharge details including date, child’s age, and to whom discharged (e.g. parents, apprenticed out, deceased, etc). The entries for the twentieth century record: name, age and religion of child; date of admission and discharge; whether vaccinated or not; whether baptised or not; and details of discharge (e.g. where and to whom discharged, age, etc.).
These records are Open access. To access these records please contact Museum of History NSW.
Information from this register has been included in the Child Care and Protection Index (published by Museums of History NSW), and is available online.