• News Article

All the lost children

Publication Resource Details

  • In

    The Weekend Australian Magazine

  • Author

    Olsson, Kristina

  • Publication Date

    30 March 2013

  • Description

    An article about child removal, and the ways Australian culture has sanctioned the removal of children from their families: stolen generations, child migrants, 'illegitimate' babies and children placed in orphanages and institutions. The author's mother, Yvonne, lost her baby Peter when her abusive husband snatched the baby from her arms. Yvonne was persuaded to accept the situation as being best for the boy, but the reality was he spent a childhood running from his father and, as a result, passed through a number of NSW state government institutions.

    This article features a moving video in which Peter describes reuniting with his mother, 35 years after his father took him.

    In 2018, the online version of this article is no longer available.

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