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New South Wales - Archival Series

Foster care files (1988 - )

Nunya Foster Care


These case files (1988-present) contain information about the placement of children in the Nunya Foster Care Program. Children who enter this program are generally placed for three to six months, and are usually returned to their parents. The information includes: name and age of child; date of birth; parents' names and address; reason for admission to the program; details of the placement of the child, including name and address of foster parents; case assessment notes; and details of the child's return to his or her parents.


Access Conditions

Access to information contained in these files is restricted to the person to whom the file relates.


Online Resources

Sources used to compile this entry: Thinee, Kristy and Bradford, Tracy, Connecting Kin: Guide to Records, A guide to help people separated from their families search for their records [completed in 1998], New South Wales Department of Community Services, Sydney, New South Wales, 1998,

Prepared by: Melissa Downing