• Archival Series

Detainee files, Department of Juvenile Justice

To access these records

Please contact the New South Wales Department of Communities & Justice, Open Government, Information and Privacy Unit:

Phone: (02) 9716 2662

Email: infoandprivacy@dcj.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/about-us/gipa/apply-online-to-access-information.html


The ‘D’ files and the Allied Health Files were created and maintained by the Department of Juvenile Justice. The ‘D’ files relate to juveniles who have been admitted to a juvenile justice centre. They record: admission and discharge dates; personal details; casework records; court records; background reports; special incidents and authorised absences. The Allied Health Files record: medical and dental history; drug and alcohol casework; psychological reports and psychiatry notes.

Access Conditions

Access to files relating to juvenile detainees can generally be obtained through the processes outlined in the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPAA).


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