Browse Categories - D

List of Categories

A Diocese is the district or area under the control of a particular Bishop of a specific Church.
Anglican Diocese of Bathurst (1865 - )
Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn (1863 - )
Anglican Diocese of Grafton (1914 - )
Anglican Diocese of Newcastle (c. 1800 - )
Anglican Diocese of Sydney (1788 - )
Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney (1821 - )
Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (1847 - )
Disability Institution
Disability Institution is an umbrella term used to describe an institution (or other residential program) which provided services to children with special needs, specifically those considered to be living with intellectual, physical and mental disabilities.
Belmont Crippled Children's Home (1952 - 1979)
Benevolent Asylum (1821 - 1901)
Berry Training Farm (1934 - 1977)
Beverley Park Estate (1937 - 1998)
Blue Mountains Handicapped Children's Centre (1961 - )
Brush Farm Home (1922 - 1988)
Brush Farm Infants' Home (1968 - 1988)
Clairvaux (1969 - 1990s)
Corelli Babies' Home (c. 1945 - c. 1970)
Cottage Home for Feeble-Minded Children, Parramatta (1907 - 1923?)
Cottage Home for Invalid Children, Parramatta (c. 1907 - c. 1940)
Crowle House (1952 - 2012)
Deaf and Dumb Institution (1860 - 1869)
Eastwood Home for Mothers and Babies (1915 - 1922)
Glenfield Park School (1927 - )
Grosvenor Centre (1985 - 2009)
Grosvenor Hospital (1965 - 1985)
Hall for Children (1970s - 1997)
Inala Rudolf Steiner School for Curative Education (1958 - 2005)
Kendall Grange (1948 - 2000)
Kingsdene Special School and Residential Service (1976 - 2010)
Kurrajong (1961 - )
Liverpool Asylum for the Infirm and Destitute (1862 - 1933)
Liverpool State Hospital and Home (1933 - 1962)
Lorna Hodgkinson Sunshine Home (1951 - )
Margaret Reid Orthopaedic Hospital for Crippled Children (1937 - 1981)
Mater Dei School (1957 - )
May Villa (1919 - 1983?)
Miroma Special School (1966 - 2010?)
Mittagong Cottage Homes (1885 - 1976)
Moresland Special School (c. 1933 - c. 1936)
Myee Home (1977 - 1980s)
New South Wales Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind (1869 - 1957)
Pallister Young People's Unit and Special School (1977 - 1981)
Peat and Milson Islands Mental Hospital (1936 - 1973)
Peat Island Centre (1989 - 2010)
Peat Island Hospital (1973 - 1989)
Probationary Farm Home, Dora Creek (1900 - 1913)
Rabbit Island Hospital for the Insane (1910 - 1917?)
Rabbit Island Mental Hospital (1917? - 1936)
Rainbow Lodge (1970 - c. 1979)
Raymond Terrace Home (1913 - 1930?)
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (1973 - )
Royal Institution for Deaf and Blind Children (1957 - 1973)
School for Deaf Girls (1886 - c. 1979)
Spastic Centre Country Children's Hostel (1948 - c. 2007)
The Spastic Centre of New South Wales (1945 - 2011)
The Special School for Multi-Handicapped Blind Children (1974 - 1990)
St Edmund's School (1951 - )
St Gabriel's School (1922 - 1973)
St Thomas More's School (c. 1936 - c. 1944)
Stockton Mental Hospital (1917 - 1989)
Sunnyfield School (1953 - c. 1981)
Sunshine Institute (1923 - 1951)
Warreh-Rudolf Steiner School for Curative Education (c. 1979)
Werrington Park (1954 - c. 1988)
Westwood (1965 - 1979)
Winbin (1954 - 1975)
Yarra Bay House (1917 - 1923)
Yarra Bay House (c. 1917 - c. 1985)