• Legislation

Juvenile Courts Act 1971, South Australia


The Juvenile Courts Act 1971 (Act No. 69/1971) was titled “An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the commission of offences by young persons, and to neglected and uncontrolled children; to repeal the Juvenile Courts Act, 1965-1969; to amend the Offenders Probation Act, 1913-1969; and for other purposes”. It was passed on 4 November 1971 and commenced for the most part on 23 December 1971. The Act established the Juvenile Aid Panels to deal with truants and uncontrollable children. It was repealed by the Children’s Protection and Young Offenders Act 1979 on 1 July 1979.

Key Provisions: Establishes Juvenile Aid Panels to deal with truants and uncontrollable children. The Panel may recommend that a matter be referred to a Juvenile Court or may deal with the matter directly. Repealed by Children’s Protection and Young Offenders Act 1979.

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