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Spastic Centres of South Australia, SCOSA


The Spastic Centres of South Australia or SCOSA was the new name given to the South Australian Spastic Paralysis Welfare Association Inc in 1983. It continued to run the Woodville Spastic Centre and other related services for people with disabilities. In the 1990s SCOSA and the Crippled Children’s Association (CCA) worked together to remove duplication of services. In 1993 SCOSA established two independent organisations, the Community Accommodation and Respite Agency (CARA) and Community Access Services (CAS). All therapy and equipment manufacturing services were transferred to the CCA and CARA took charge of all accommodation services. SCOSA continued to operate as a fundraising body for CARA and CSA. In 2019 SCOSA merged with Novita Children’s Services, and continued to provide disability services under the Novita name.

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