• Archival Series

Children's Court of Victoria records

To access these records

Please contact the Care Leaver Records Service:

Phone: (03) 9096 8449

Email: clrs@dffh.vic.gov.au

Records Location


Children’s Court Case History Files is an archival series held by the Department of Families, Fairness and housing. It comprises files relating to children’s assessments by the Children’s Court Clinic, and include case histories compiled by social workers, psychologists and other case workers. The files also contain results from tests to assess the child’s literacy, numeracy, non-verbal ability, IQ and Rorschach inkblot method.

Access Conditions

According to the Finding Records website, these records are ‘unappraised’. For access, contact the Care Leaver Records Service.


The Children’s Court Case History Files were created for all children who were assessed by the Children’s Court Clinic. Most of the children seen were on remand at Royal Park Depot, later known as Turana, awaiting a court appearance.

The Children’s Court Clinic made assessments of children brought before the court, to make recommendations about their future care and education.

The files represent extensive case histories that were compiled by social workers and psychologists and other case workers who assessed the children.

The detailed case histories contain the social workers’ transcripts of interviews with the child and their extended family, the clinic psychologist’s reports, physical examination and medical report.

The files include the results of a range of tests the child undertook to check their level of literacy, numeracy, non-verbal ability, IQ and inkblot method.

The file enclosures include:

  • social report
  • transcripts of interviews including the child and their extended families
  • psychological examination summary form
  • physical examination form
  • medical report
  • literacy and numeracy tests
  • Rorschach inkblot method or Rorschach psycho diagnostics
  • psychiatric notes
  • psychological report
  • hand-written case notes
  • Information from CWD [Community Welfare Department] file
  • departmental correspondence

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