• Submission

Submission No 259 to the Senate Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care

Publication Resource Details

  • Author

    WINGS (Inc)

  • Secondary Author

    Senate Community Affairs References Committee

  • Publication Date

    August 2003

  • Publisher

    Commonwealth of Australia

  • URL

  • Description

    Watchmen in God's Service (WINGS) Inc was a Western Australian group which made a submission to the Australian Senate's inquiry into children in institutional care in 2003. In that submission, WINGS described itself as a Christian 'self-funded support group' for 'children and adults who have been sexually, physically or emotionally abused' in out of home 'care'. The submission stated that WINGS had been operating for five years. It was registered as an incorporated association in WA on 15 December 1999 and its registration was cancelled in 2006. It is possible that WINGS was active outside those registration dates.

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