• Organisation

Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church


The Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the organisation that once ran Karalundi and Wiluna missions. Its ‘Safe Place Services’ offers support for people who wish to raise a complaint about the church, its institutions or people.

Seventh Day Adventistism was introduced into Western Australia in 1890, when John Stockton was involved in the establishment of the Social Purity Association. Stockton was an early Australian convert to Adventism, which had begun in the United States of America. Seventh Day Adventists observe the Sabbath on Saturday, draw their theology from the Bible, and look to the second coming of Christ – the Advent.

In the 1940s, the Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church became involved in welfare work in metropolitan and country areas. It established and ran Karalundi (1954-1974) and Wiluna (1955-1974) missions.

In 2013, support for people who had been harmed by the church was offered through its Safe Place Services arm.

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