• Glossary Term

Aboriginal Education and Employment Hostel


Aboriginal Education and Employment Hostels were operated by the Western Australian Department of Native Welfare from 1950 to 1972, and then came under the administration of the Department for Community Welfare and its successors. They were set up to provide accommodation for young Indigenous people who needed to come to the metropolitan area, or large regional towns, for study or work. Almost all these hostels were run by independent agencies under agreements with state government departments. From 1968 they focused on young people who received Aboriginal Secondary Education Grants or Aboriginal Study Grants or who were employed under the Training Scheme for Aborigines. By 1995, the Aboriginal Education and Employment Hostel program had become a metropolitan student hostel program for Indigenous students attending Years 11 or 12, TAFE, University or colleges such as Clontarf in Perth.

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  • Alternative Names

    Student Hostel

    Aboriginal Hostels

    Metropolitan Student Hostels

    Country Hostel Services

    Aboriginal Education Hostels

    Educational Hostels

    Education and Employment Hostels

    Accommodation Centre

    Country School and Working Children's Hostels


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