Anglicare’s Homesharers was a fostercare placement program, established in 1982. It was a community based scheme in which people in the local community provided medium to long term accommodation to young people. From 1988, the Anglicare Emergency Foster Care Scheme and Anglicare Homesharers programs ran concurrently and placed children into care with various families in the metropolitan area. Anglicare Homesharers and Anglicare Emergency Foster Care Scheme both ceased in 1992 and the functions combined to become Anglicare Teenshare.
Anglicare’s Homesharers was a fostercare placement program, established in 1982, six years before the Emergency Foster Care program. After 1988, the programs ran concurrently and placed children into care with various families in the metropolitan area. Many of the children placed in the Homesharers program would have been referred to Anglicare by the government departments responsible for child welfare.
According to Anglicare (2014), the ‘main aim’ of the Homesharers program ‘was to encourage a young person to develop independent living skills’ and to ‘be involved in all aspects of decision-making about their future and their needs’. People in the community offered to become Homesharers, and ‘assessment and training’ were undertaken before Anglicare placed a young person with a Homesharer family. The community-based program offered medium to long term accommodation. Anglicare provided ‘ongoing support’ to Homesharer families and the young people ‘by either phone calls or visits’.
Homesharers and the Emergency Foster Care program both ceased in 1992 to be replaced by the Teenshare service.