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These records are held by Geelong Heritage Centre.
The Glastonbury and Geelong Orphanage Records is a collection held at the Geelong Heritage Centre. The records date from around 1855 to 1992. The collection includes records relating to children in care at Glastonbury Child and Family Services and the organisations which preceded it, such as client records, admission records, Superintendent, Matron and visitor reports, minutes and financial records.
Conditional Access – Before contacting the Geelong Heritage Centre to access the records, permission is required from Meli.
The collection at the Geelong Heritage Centre includes records relating to children in ‘care’ at Glastonbury Child and Family Services and its historical or ancestral agencies. The records were transferred from Glastonbury to the Geelong Heritage Centre during the 1980s. The collection (as described in the Archives Catalogue, Geelong Heritage Centre) includes: