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Kyle Williams Legacy Home


Kyle Williams Legacy Home, on the George’s River at Blakehurst, was set up as a children’s home under the terms of the will of Caroline Milne Williams in 1947. It was operated by Sydney Legacy from 1947 until 1985. Kyle Williams Home was a convalescent home for children aged between 3 and 8. In 1985, it became a family group home run by the Presbyterian Social Services Department.

Mrs Williams left the house, land and money for Kyle Williams Home in trust, so the house could be converted to a convalescent home for children. In 1947 it was leased to Sydney Legacy for no rent and was run as a convalescent children’s home.

Legacy took possession in January 1948. Initially it housed 12 children and there were plans for it to accommodate up to 20 children at a time.

The Home was run by a committee of 10 members nominated by Legacy and appointed by Mrs Williams’s trustees.

Kyle Williams Legacy Home officially opened in June 1948. It was under the control of Matron Lancet and 2 assistants. A newspaper article described it:

The home is ideally situated in large grounds of natural beauty and overlooking the bay, and will be the means of restoring to health and strength children who need a few weeks’ care and attention (The Propeller, 1948).

In 1985 the property was let for no rent to the Presbyterian Church of Australia (New South Wales), who ran it as a family group home for children and young people.

  • From


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  • Alternative Names

    Kyle Bay Hostel

    Kyle Williams Convalescent Home


  • 1947 - 1985

    Kyle Williams Legacy Home was situated at 52 Waratah Street, Blakehurst, New South Wales (Building Still standing)

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