• Organisation

La Perouse Training School for Girls


The La Perouse Training School was opened in 1928 in Yarra Bay House at Phillip Bay at La Perouse as an annexe of the Parramatta Girls Training Home. It held girls who had been committed to Parramatta but who were generally younger and was deemed less problematic. In 1940 La Perouse Training School closed and Yarra Bay House Truant School for boys was established at the same site.

The La Perouse Training School was proclaimed on 28 July 1928 under the control of the Superintendent at Parramatta, with a Matron responsible for day to day operations.

The girls housed in La Perouse were deemed ‘less depraved and younger’ than those housed at Parramatta Girls Training Home, and ‘whose general conduct and good health justify it’.

La Perouse was an ‘open’ institution and discipline was more relaxed. Girls were allowed a degree of freedom to enjoy its beach-side location. The school used the domestic science curriculum and emphasised training for domestic duties.

In December 1939 the annexe was closed and in 1940 Yarra Bay House was converted to a Truant School for Boys.

  • From

    28 July 1928

  • To



  • 1928 - 1939

    La Perouse Training School for Girls was situated at Yarra Point, Phillip Bay, La Perouse, New South Wales (Building Still standing)


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