Please contact Uniting WA:
Postal Address: GPO Box B74 Perth WA 6838
Phone: 1300 663 298
These records are held by Uniting WA (2006 - current).
Uniting WA records is a collection of records and historical information that may be relevant to people who were placed in Homes run by Methodist Homes for Children, UnitingCare Child and Family Care Services, and Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services, including: Allandale Cottage; Bourkedale; Carine House; Collins House; Cooinda; Kingsway; Marangaroo; Meribah; Methodist Children’s Home; Mofflyn; Terrace House; Warminda; and Werribee Cottage.
People who experienced ‘care’ in Homes run by Methodist Homes for Children, UnitingCare Child and Family Care Services, and Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services (and their families) may be able to access the records in this collection. You may be required to provide proof of identity before accessing these records.
The types of records currently held by Uniting WA vary in the amount of detail they contain, but the collection as a whole includes:
In 2013 and 2014, UnitingCare West (as it was called at the time) undertook a project to collate and digitise its record collection, including photographs.