Burnbrae Presbyterian Children’s Home was established by the Council Presbyterian Children’s Home in 1938, in Byford. Children who were wards of the state and private children were admitted, both boys and (from 1940) girls. Burnbrae accommodated children from under 6 years to secondary school age. Children were transferred to Benmore in Caversham when Burnbrae closed in December 1956.
Burnbrae Presbyterian Children’s Home was established by the Presbyterian Children’s Homes Committee (later, Council) on a rural property in Byford.
In 1953, Burnbrae was described as being able to accommodate up to 52 children, including boys up to 10 years of age (older girls stayed at Burnbrae; it is possible that boys older than 10 were sent to Benmore in Caversham). Children went to the Burnbrae Primary School, Armadale High School and Perth College.
By December 1956, children and young people were transferred to Benmore, and Burnbrae closed.
Alternative Names
1938 - 1956
Burnbrae Presbyterian Children's Home was situated on a large rural property east of State Forest Lot 22, Hills Road, Byford, Western Australia (Building Still standing)