• Legislation

Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910, Northern Territory


The Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910 (SA) (Act no. 1024/1910) was assented to on 7 December 1919. The Act was repealed by Aboriginals Ordinance 1910 (Act No. 9/1918) on 13 June 1918. The Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910 established the Northern Territory Aboriginals Department. This department was responsible for the control and welfare of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. Under the Act, the Chief Protector was made the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child. The Act allowed for regulations to be made for the ‘care, custody and education of the children of aboriginals’. This included the power to transfer children to ‘aboriginal institutions’ and ‘industrial schools’. This Act was the first and only legislation passed in South Australia which related to Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory.

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