• Organisation

Kewdale House


Kewdale House was built in 1976 as a government-run hostel for Aboriginal teenagers aged over 15 years who came to Perth to continue their senior high school education. It is not known if Kewdale House was co-educational. It had closed by 2011.

Kewdale House was purpose-built by the Department for Community Welfare in 1976, on two blocks in Fulham Street in Kewdale. It was an Aboriginal education and employment hostel, providing supported accommodation for Aboriginal teenagers, aged over 15, who came to Perth to continue their education. In 1988, the authorities reported (Signposts 2004, p.271) that students in the hostel were ‘helped to move on to tertiary courses and independent living situations’.

There are few published admission statistics, but in 1995 a survey (Signposts 2004, p.271) found that: ‘there were 10 girls aged 15-18+ years resident at Kewdale House; total admissions during that year had numbered 13; and the length of stay ranged from 3 months to more than 6 months.

Kewdale House remained open in 2010 but had closed by 2011.

  • From


  • To


  • Alternative Names

    Kewdale Education and Employment Hostel

    Kewdale Metro Student Hostel

    Kewdale Hostel


  • 1976? - 2011?

    Kewdale House was located in 166-168 Fulham Street, Kewdale, Western Australia (Building Still standing)

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