• Organisation

Lisgar Children's Home


Lisgar Children’s Home was established by the Church of England Deaconess Institution at Harrison Street, Marrickville, from 1914 to 1929. Lisgar was a home for boys and girls. It moved to a property in Strathfield, called Agincourt, in the late 1920s, and became a girls’ home, later named Pallister Girls Home.

In 1921, Lisgar Children’s Home was granted 5 shillings per week for every orphan in its care by the NSW Government. This allowance was extended to a range of private institutions that cared for children.

Win Evans writes that when the decision was made to move the home to Strathfield, the boys in Lisgar were sent to Charlton or Milleewa. The new home was named after a Deaconess called Miss Pallister.

In 2011 the premises are an aged care home, and have been used for that purpose since the 1990s.

  • From


  • To


  • Alternative Names

    Deaconess Children's Home


  • 1914 - 1929

    Lisgar Children's Home was situated at 16 Harrison Street, Marrickville, New South Wales (Building Demolished)


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