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Anglicare Teenshare


Anglicare Teenshare was a fostercare placement program run by Anglicare for young people needing emergency, short-term and longer-term fostercare. It continued the Anglicare Emergency Foster Care Scheme and Anglicare Homesharers programs. In 2010, Anglicare Teenshare was replaced by the Anglicare Fostering Futures program.

Anglicare Teenshare was a fostercare placement service for children and young people who need emergency, short-term and longer-term fostercare.

According to Anglicare (2014), Teenshare was developed in 1991 as a result of a review of Anglicare WA’s Emergency Foster Care Scheme and Homesharers programs. Many of the children placed in the Teenshare program would have been referred by the government departments responsible for child welfare.

By 1995, Teenshare provided up to 12 long-term and 6 short-term placements in the metropolitan area. From 2003 to 2009, 20 placements for children and young people aged 12-17 years were provided. Placement options included: emergency (up to eight weeks, available 24 hours per day); regular respite care of young people referred by the department responsible for child welfare; and short- and long-term foster placements.

In 2010, Teenshare was replaced by Anglicare WA’s Fostering Futures program.

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