• Organisation

Xavier Cottage


Xavier Cottage was opened by the Catholic Church in 1986 to provide accommodation for children with intellectual disabilities. From February 1986 it also provided weekend and holiday respite care for children with intellectual disabilities. In June 1987 the cottage moved from Albert Park and took over the building which was previously St Monica’s Cottage at Woodville. Xavier Cottage closed in 1988.

  • From


  • To


  • Alternative Names

    Woodville Respite Cottage

    Western Region Respite Cottage


  • 1986 - 1987

    Xavier Cottage was situated at 58 Murray Street, Albert Park, South Australia (Building Still standing)

  • 1987 - 1988

    Xavier Cottage was situated at 9-11 Headdy Court, Woodville South, South Australia (Building Still standing)

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