• Organisation

Mt Lawley Reception Home


Mt Lawley Reception Home was the new name given in 1973 to the government-run Child Welfare Reception Home. It gave temporary accommodation to children and young people who were: awaiting placement with foster parents or institutions; staying in Perth for medical or dental treatment; and referred from, or awaiting appearances at, the Children’s Court. In 1980 Mt Lawley Reception Home became the Walcott Centre.

The Mt Lawley Reception Home was run by the Department for Community Welfare. It had a number of functions. It was a temporary place for children coming into the child welfare system and who went on to placement in an institution or foster home. Children from the country who had no family in Perth might also stay there while they had medical or dental treatment in Perth. The Reception Home also took children who had been referred from the Children’s Court, or who were awaiting a court appearance.

Mt Lawley Reception Home continued to be referred to by its previous name, Child Welfare Reception Home (or acronyms such as CWRH) in departmental files throughout the period 1974 to 1979.

In 1980, the Mt Lawley Reception Home became the Walcott Centre.

  • From


  • To


  • Alternative Names

    Mt Lawley Children's Reception Centre


    Child Welfare Reception Home


  • 1973 - 1980

    The Mt Lawley Reception Home was on the corner of Walcott and Lord Streets, Mount Lawley, Western Australia (Building Still standing)



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