• Organisation

Riddells Creek Girls' Home


The Riddells Creek Girls’ Home was established by the Salvation Army in 1900. It was reported the Adelaide Advertiser in 1902 that girls living at the Home included girls ‘recruited’ from the ‘Chinese opium dens’ and other ‘vile resorts’ in the slums of Melbourne.

The newspaper described the Home as ‘spotlessly clean’, and stated it combined rigid discipline with kind treatment in a religious atmosphere. It was reported that there were 40 girls housed in the Home at that time, and that they were ‘kept busy’ with light gardening work, machine knitting and ornamental needlework.

  • From


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  • Alternative Names

    Riddell's Creek Girls' Home

    Riddells Creek Reformatory


  • 1900 - 1940

    The Riddells Creek Girls' Home was located at Riddells Creek, Victoria (Building Unknown)



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